Decoration Artist
これらは総称して、Luxury Decoration Art(略して“ラグデコアート”)と呼ばれる。
装飾で表現する “心模様アート”を突き詰めていく。
She has become an artist while she was doing import business.
She was a buyer, but she became more interested in furniture and fixtures displayed in the stores in Europe. Those Europian furniture and fixtures are so profound and luxuary, and she felt those works of art are necessary in daiy life.
All her works are based on the concept of “Giving life to everything that has shapes” and express inner world such as “love” “dream” “future” “healing” with her own special tastes.
All of those arts are called “Luxury Decoration Art”.
She goes to Europe to find materials for her works. Those are antique beads, lace, fabric, natural stones, pearls, so many more materials. She uses them lavishly for her works.
She always tries to go furthest and express human’s inner world through her works.